Sunday 27 July 2014

Here We Hoe Again...

Sunday morning dawned clear and hot, another perfect day for being outside, but not necessarily for working hard at the allotment... Never the less, we headed round to clear the next secyion of weeds and carry out some essential maintenance...


As the hoeing progresses, the plot starts to look more like an allotment than the jungle it was just a week ago. Over half of the site is now cleared, the edges defined and Rasberries, Squash and Rhubarb all growing nicely.

The second job of the morning was to re-attach the decking board at the bottom of the plot. An intial inspection showed that many of the boards were loose, with others completely dettached.
Removing the dodgy wood, we knocked down any protruding screws then nailed them back into position.

Today's session was not quite over, the sun baking down upon us, but as we packed up the tools I deciced to open the gate in the fence (rather than just walk around like we usually do), only to find that the gate was holding up the end post, which promptly fell over as soon as the gate was moved...

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