Saturday 24 January 2015

New Year, New Goals, New Rules

After a few weeks away from the plot over Christmas and New Year, then back to the allotment to begin the early preparations for 2015...

With the Rhubarb starting to show new shoots, I embarked upon an experiment to try and force an early crop under a black plastic polytunnel. After edging the rhubarb patch with decking board, with a thin cover of wood chip, I added some tubing arches and a black plastic covering...
The idea is to keep the temperate up and let the rhubarb seek the light from small holes punched in the tunnels roof...

Just ten days after the tunnel was in place we had a surprise covering of snow, not something you get too often on the balmy Dorset coast... The site looked beautiful in the early sunlight, covered in a fresh white blanket...

The winter whiteness last just 12 hours and the following morning everything was back to normal...

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